Tuesday, August 30, 2011

100 days...

of no junk food! Last night at FHE we officially started our family's commitment to a new, healthy diet. We started out by reading the Word of Wisdom from D&C89, discussed it, then made a list of "real" food and "junk" food. Junk food includings all refined sugars, sodas, white breads, processed meats, and most anything else that comes packed in a box with a powdered seasoning. The challenge will end December 7. So we will have to be creative for Halloween and Thanksgiving! Tonight we made whole wheat tortillas from scratch! They were not perfectly round but then again they were not made in a factory! Dinner was delicious.

A World Without Tears

I dream of a world without tears
A life without fears
I dream of a day without night
With a sunny morning light
I dream of a song without end
A lullaby that all things mend
I dream of a smiling face
Or a time or a place
I dream of your whispering voice
Of the resolution and a choice
Is it so wrong to dream a while
When all I see is a fading smile?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cleaning pays off

Since returning to Wymount, I have been overwhelmed with all our STUFF! Every shelf, corner, closet is filled. So, I have started cleaning, dejunking, and reducing. It has not been easy. I found the duffle bag filled with high school cheerleading uniforms that I have been storing for 11 years. Pablo said it had to go! Ok. I found the box labeled "Mom". I opened it and read letters, poems, obituaries and had a good cry. However, yesterday I found something that really paid me for my hours of labor. In the back of a file box, in a stack of old letters, I found a card addressed to me from Amber. Inside I found $100! AWE-SOME!

Back to Provo

With the Pennsylvania chapter closed in our books, we have returned home to our cozy Wymount apartment. Another year of school and who knows where our adventure will take us next. Coming home has been challenging, in part because we had such a great time in the east, and part because of the anxiety of living a student life. It was good to work in the summer, it was better to earn for our work. Now we realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is brighter and brighter the more we look into it. Kids are great. Laura has taken the reins. Pablo is just Pablo, dreaming big, getting old. We look for things to bring our family together. Our next adventure? 100 days without junk food (after the camping trip). It will take us that much closer to graduation and real life again.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Visiting the Statue of Liberty

We drove to New Jersey with Jason and Heather Bailey and took the ferry to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. We had perfect weather and a lot of fun. The lady freedom is indeed magnificent.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cae la Lluvia

Cae la lluvia en el día de sol,
Y moja las trochas de un camino infinito,
Se encojen los pájaros bajo el puente,
Y esperan la seca hora de alzar el vuelo.
Caen mis sueños que soñé ayer,
Y se parten al tocar en suelo,
Pues veo la carretera llena de los que se van,
Y el cielo amargo como la ducha fría.
Caen las imágenes del otro día,
Cuando llegaba pronto a la casa azul,
Y pensaba en tenerte vida,
Y soñaba en soñarte amor.
Caen mis lágrimas y mi sonrisa,
Y camino sin saber si llego,
Y te veo correr lejos, tan lejos,
Porque me haces quererte
Cae la lluvia en el día de sol,
Y moja mi corazón perdido,
Caen el cielo y las palabras tuyas,
Que me hacían seguir caminando.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Poor Cita

Cita had an accident on the playground slide. She was dog-piled inside the slide and came out crying. She didn't cheer up and was cradling her left arm. Went to the ER and had xrays on her elbow and wrist. Good news is no broken bones. She will wear a splint until we see the specialist. Such a brave girl! When we left the ER she asked me if we could go back to the park. Poor Cita.

Update: The specialist was able to pop her elbow back into place. She is 100% better with no cast or splint. Happy ending!