Saturday, March 26, 2011


six months ago when Cuca and Daddy went to temple square for General Conference. She loves to pull out this magazine and look at the picture that made her "famous". Just now we were discussing that GC is next Sunday. I asked her if she would like to go with Daddy to Temple Square again. "No, Mom. It's your turn to be famous!"

**For a better look at the photo, look in the Ensign November 2010 issue.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Power of a Smile

 "the expression one wears on one's face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one's back."

Friday, March 18, 2011

Man's Best Friend

Cita had the night of her life a few months ago while visiting Amber & Co. Who said that the dog is man's best friend? They're little girl's too.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm a real boy!

It's official. Arthur has taken the next step in life to become a real boy. He had 4 stitches in his chin! He came to me crying and covered in blood. When I got him all cleaned up I found the gash in his chin so we strolled down to the urgent care (because our van wouldn't start) and the doc fixed him up. He said "I just wanted to climb to the tippy top" and he fell.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It is...

It is the night that precedes the morning,
It is the rain that washes away the tears,
It is the last whisper before the last breath,
It is the anguish of not knowing when,
It is the cold that penetrates the warm blanket,
It is the smile that fades with time,
It is the lonely feeling of being without you,
It is the cry I hear when you fell,
It is the prayer that reaches beyond you,
It is the hurt of walking barefoot,
It is the mountain covering the warm sun,
It is the sweat lost in the lost game,
It is the embrace of a thousand arms,
It is the word that I heard last night,
It is the motion which never leaves,
It is the doubt of knowing so well,
It is the space between now and then,
It is the book with endless chapters,
It is the past that hangs with low fruits,
It is the dream of reaching one more step,
It is the blindness of the old man at sea,
It is the wish of perhaps one more day,
It is the truth that no one will hear,
It is the eyes that one day will leave me,
It is the touch that so gently touches me,
It is the image of you walking,
It is the taste that never leaves, never satisfies,
It is the hunger underneath the banquet table,
It is the sun outside a dark room,
It is the kind word never spoken,
It is the smile only thought of,
It is the water that touches your skin,
It is the faith that touches your soul,
It is what it is,
And a few things more...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 years ago...

...our dear Laura was born. She looked like her dad and she acted like her mom. Now she steps into her next 30 years, with kids of her own. Dive deep sweetheart, the next 30 will be better than the first. Happy Birthday!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chocolate Milk and Mac & Cheese

Of all the things I learned in kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, college, and grad school, a few has had more impact than the pure knowledge that a cup of chocolate milk and a bowl of mac and cheese will definitely and undoubtedly make a child happy. That's one of the sure things in life! Chuck-a-Rama on Saturday to start the fast.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

D&C 121

1O God, awhere art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy bhiding place?
 2aHow long shall thy hand be stayed, and thine eye, yea thy pure eye, behold from the eternal heavens the wrongs of thy people and of thy servants, and thine ear be penetrated with their cries?
 3Yea, O Lord, ahow long shall they suffer these wrongs and unlawful boppressions, before thine heart shall be softened toward them, and thy bowels be moved with ccompassion toward them?
 4O Lord God aAlmighty, maker of bheaven, earth, and seas, and of all things that in them are, and who controllest and subjectest the devil, and the dark and benighted dominion of Sheol—stretch forth thy hand; let thine eye pierce; let thy cpavilion be taken up; let thydhiding place no longer be covered; let thine ear be inclined; let thine eheart be softened, and thy bowels moved with compassion toward us.
 5Let thine aanger be kindled against our enemies; and, in the fury of thine heart, with thy bsword cavenge us of our wrongs.
 6Remember thy asuffering saints, O our God; and thy servants will rejoice in thy name forever.